Saturday, December 10, 2016

Yukks Kenalan Sama R Statistic Software

Setelah dapat data penelitian dan selanjutnya..yahhh…diananisis, lazimnya dianalisis menggunakan statistic software, minimalisnya pakai excel, bukan kah begitu saudara..

Pada ulasan kali ini saya akan berbagi cerita mengenai takdir saya belajar si statistic tool ini. Lain halnya dengan data olahan semasa S1 hingga master di IPB saya menggunakan SAS untuk ANOVA analisis, kali ini master dan doctoral saya di Hokkaido dipaksa belajar analisis dengan R. Hmmm apa itu R…jujur selama ini saya hanya mengenal 3 statistic software yang lazim digunakan yaitu Minitab, SPSS, dan SAS, lalu ketika mengetahui analisis saya akan dilakukan menggunakan R…mulailah mencari tahu sendiri, yahh sendiri karena belajar di sini itu semuanya sendiri hehehe mungkin tidak bisa digeneralkan tapi begitulah kebanyakan mahasiswa disini kebanyakan serba sendiri. Bertanya kalau sudah give up, hehehe banyak positifnya si... Berikut poin-poin ulasan mengenai R software:

1. R adalah open source alias Gratis

Jadi, yang paling mudah membedakan R dengan statisctic software yang lain yaitu R adalah open source, alias "Gratis". Tidak butuh lisensi hanya tinggal didowload saja, berikut saya link kan laman resminya. Bisa diinstal di Windows, Mac, ataupun linux yang  berbasis UNIX. Lain halnya dengan software yang lain yang etikanya ketika dipakai harus berlisensi resmi dan muahal yahhh hehehe..classic R software menurut saya agak jadul tampilannya, kalau saya sendiri install R studio karena lebih asik interfacenya, tapi kalau mau pakai R studio harus install juga R classicnya.

2. R merupakan bahasa pemograman

Kesan pertama  kenalan dengan R, hahaha berasa kayak jaman SD yang dulu pake DOS yang harus memasukkan seperti comment atau coding-coding yang untuk saya sangat tidak familiar dengan bahasa pemrogaman. R dikembangkan mulai tahun 1992 oleh  Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman[ di  University of Auckland, New Zealand dan tahukah kalian kalau R itu diambil dari huruf awal nama pemngembangnya yang sekarang berkembang menjadi R development core team.  Oleh karenanya, R itu adalah bahasa pemrogaman yang menjadikan belajar R itu butuh ekstra segalanya hehehe ekstra menghadapi stress menghadapi R script, dan setahun belajar berasa sudah seperti coding person far aman, selamet dan analisis jadi meski pake mules-mules diawal wkwkwkwk

3. R semakin sexy

Tren penggunaaan R untuk statistic software kian hari kian meningkat, berikut saya lampirkan perbandingan dengan analisis statistic tools yang lain. Survey terakhir  yang dilakukan oleh KDnuggets 2016, dengan pertanyaan

What software you used for Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning projects in the past 12 months?

R memimpin pooling, dengan 49% share (meningkat dari 46.9% di 2015), disusul dengan Python yang hampir menyusul R dengan 45.8% share (meningkat dari 30.3%).
Jadi, R memang lagi naik daun saudara hehehe.

Change in the number of scholarly articles using each software in the most recent two complete years (2013 to 2014). Packages shown in red are “hot” and growing, while those shown in blue are “cooling down” or declining.
KDnuggets Analytics/Data Science 2016 Software Poll: top 10 most popular tools in 2016 

4. R mengembangkat paket-paket analisis sesuai bidang keilmuan

Aplikasinya R software itu terdiri dari paket-paket yang sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan tertentu. Misalkan saya fokus di ecological data analysis lazim menggunakan paket vegan dan sekarang lagi encourage belajar ade4 package, hehehe lagi ngebul belajar R script dan detail analisisnya. Pengalaman di penelitian saya, detail akan dibagaimanakan data kita itu ya rujukannya jurnal-jurnal referensi, tinggal di follow, minat menggunakan analisisnya tinggal ditelusuri paket analisisnya apa dan belajar detailnya bagaimana. Biasanya jurnal-jurnal juga ada yang menyediakan tutorial R scriptnya dan itu sangat membantu untuk yang self learning seperti saya.

5. R menyajikan interaktif grafik

Bosan dengan grafik-grafik biasa seperti linier grafik, biplot, di R kita bisa menggunakan grafik yang lebih interaktif. Terutamanya yang belajar data ordinansi seperti saya kalau cuma biasa aj, bakal langsung kena reject jurnal. Berikut contoh grafik-grafik interaktif yang bisa dilakukan menggunakan R. Dan yang terbaru sekarang ini bisa mengolah data yang disajikan dalam bentuk 3D yang uwaww pokoknya.

Interactive graphics in R

Referensi di banyak jurnal, apalagi jurnal-jurnal kelas wahid kayak nature pasti menyajikan grafik yang gak biasa dan biasanya mereka memakai R, hehhehe kadang sampe ngebul kalau mikirin gimana caranya bisa bikin grafik seperti ini hehehe kebayang semakin kompleks grafik pasti R command nya makin puanjanggggg, someday, belajar pelan-pelan dulu. Jadi bukan hanya artis aj yaa..yang butuh interface cantik, tapi sebagus-bagusnya data kalau tidak menarik dalam penyajiannya yahhh sayang aja..

6. Komunitas R yang tidak terbatas

Belajar R hanya perlu internet dan laptop, 24 jam bisa konsultasi dengan komunitas yang semakin ramai di dunia maya. Dan itu sangat membantu saya, bisa survive sampai hari ini. Ada uneg-uneg tinggal ketik di mbah google aj, pasti dijawab hehehe. Dan R-blogger itu seperti magazine nya R, update dan tutorial R script ada disana.

Semoga yang sedikit ini bisa menambah kekepoan tentang R, buat saya pribadi semoga tak gentar terus belajar. Setelah belajar R saya lebih paham dengan teman-teman yang penelitiannya dengan  hanya data, tidak ke lapang tp duduk dengan layar yang tulisannya huruf alien, yahh saya paham, tahu kalau itu tidak sangat mudah. Dengan keunggulan-keunggulan yang telah disampaikan di atas semoga menambah minat ya belajar R. Buat yang sudah berada di zona nyaman analisis dengan easy tools kalau mau upgrade di garis depan research tidak ada salahnya belajar lagi, reliable statistic data analysis bisa jadi gerbang pembuka menghantarkan hasil riset go international yang dengan ini akan banyak orang bisa merasakan manfaat dari hasil riset kita. Buat kita semua semangat yaaa, semoga dimudahkan.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Post-mining site at Okayama Prefecture of Japan
Phytoremediation is one of remediation technology that uses the plant to clean contaminated sites. The impact of Industrial Revolution introducing amount hazardous compounds into the environment. This hazardous pollutants consist of a variety of organic compounds and heavy metals, which pose serious risks to human health. Phytoremediation technique has developed because of it the low-cost application, natural cleanup technique methods using solar energy transport which are most useful at shallow sites, and low levels of contamination. The mechanisms of phytoremediation depend on the type of contaminant, bioavailability and soil properties. Primarily, the uptake of contaminants in plants occurs through the root system, which the principal mechanisms for preventing toxicity are found. In particularly mechanisms on phytoremediation are varied, including phytoextraction, rhizofiltration, phytovolatilization, phytostabilization, phytodegradation, hydraulic control, and rhizodegradation.

Phytoextraction also called phytoaccumulation, it refers to the uptake and translocation of metal contaminants in the soil by plant roots into the above-ground portions of the plants. This mechanism becomes primarily used for the contaminated soils treatment. Rhizofi
ltration is similar to phytoextraction, but the plants are used primarily to address contaminated ground water rather than soil. Phytovolatilization mechanism involves the use of plants to take up contaminants from the soil, transforming them into volatile forms and transpiring them into the atmosphere. Phytostabilization is the use of certain plant species to immobilize contaminants in the soil and ground water through absorption and accumulation by roots, adsorption onto roots, or precipitation within the root zone of plants (rhizosphere). Phytodegradation also referred to as phytotransformation. It involves the degradation of complex organic molecules to simple molecules or the incorporation of these molecules into plant tissues. In hydraulic control mechanism of groundwater contamination by plant canopies through increased transpiration reduces infiltration of precipitation or increases transpiration of groundwater, thus reducing contaminant migration from the site in groundwater plumes. The last scheme of phytoremediation mechanism is Rhizodegradation also referred to as phytostimulation refers to the breakdown of contaminants within the plant root zone or rhizosphere. It is believed to be carried out by bacteria or other microorganisms whose numbers typically flourish in the rhizosphere. It can also be seen as plant-assisted bioremediation, the stimulation of microbial and fungal degradation by the release of exudates/enzymes into the root zone (rhizosphere).

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Multipurpose of Miscanthus Perennial Grass

Miscanthus is one of perennial grass plant which produces large of biomass. The development of energy alternative based on biomass, Miscanthus, becomes potential grass species in future prospect. There are many advantages which Miscanthus have, such as this grass categorized as low demand nutrients input, with a poor quality of land still have higher yields, and also have tough persistence including in cold weather. The result from Saga et al. (2014), showed under cool temperature Miscanthus photosynthesis ability is higher other C4 grasses such as maize and sugarcane. Based on that categorized Miscanthus also used in the marginal land to stabilize and covering land in wildlife. Even this grass produce large biomass, to keep the sustainable in the nutrient cycle in harvest technique should be considerate to remain the rhizome in the soil as nutrient source. Moreover, the development of bioproduct becomes coproduct such as chemical and material is a great future. Development the biomass resource as bioproduct should considerate other issues such as conflict with food, stable supply, and for industrialized it should work economically. Miscanthus with the beneficial based on the character, have a great challenge leading the biorefinery schema.

Another scenario for utilization Miscanthus perennial grass plant is producing biomass in term reducing greenhouse gas emission. Greenhouse gasses contributed in earth warming and simultaneously make climate changed. Concentration gasses that trapped in the atmosphere, day by day increased. Through photosynthesis, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will change become photosynthates or biomass. Miscanthus is a grass with high of yield with soil C sequestration rate, until 503 kg/ha which almost twice than Japanese cedar forest. The concept for mitigating the concentration from agriculture sector is utilization biomass which accumulates carbon in soil and biomass. So that high yield in Miscanthus is equal with the purpose mitigation greenhouse concept. Real application in Miscanthus planting still needs burning process for maintaining Miscanthus vegetation in grassland. Research that calculates carbon dynamics as affected by burning explained that after burning soil C not burning and soil CH4 and N2O flux did not increase after burning. It showed deep explanation that during burning, even CH4 and N2O were emitted but higher soil C accumulation still stored. Compared with Japanese cedar forest soil C accumulation in semi-natural grassland has significantly higher which indicated Miscanthus grass should become a potential sector in mitigated greenhouse gasses.

Miscanthus sinensis pioneer grass
Hokkaido is the northern main island in Japan, which have low population than another main island in Japan. And also have a low temperature in long time than another area, sometimes extreme weather occurred. With this special environment condition, make Hokkaido becomes the main focus in Agriculture sectors. Moreover, Hokkaido suitable to becomes primary industries based biorefinery. Integrated multipurpose that concerning in mitigation greenhouse gasses, also feedstock production to fuel, adding value becomes chemicals and materials through bioprocess appropriate with the future plan. Research and development, involving the Miscanthus proposed for biorefinery schema or development as global warming mitigation effort still needed. Indeed, Hokkaido with exceptional condition becomes one of a suitable area to develop a future plan with Miscanthus grass as a potential commodity.

Global Warming? What About in The Arctic Region

Arctic is a special region which has many definitions based on the aspects likes astronomically, climatologically, and also botanically. Briefly, the arctic is Polaris mostly located in the north pole. Different with the southern polar region which mostly ice-covered continental, in northern pole surrounded by ocean.

Continuously emitted carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in atmosphere finally also give impact in the arctic environment. Most of the heat energy from earth surface is absorbed by greenhouse gasses which become the barrier so that the heat becomes back to the surface and surface becomes warmer. This process should be in long-term process but nowdays scientists knew that already happen the impact of global warming. IPCC in 2001 have declared that climate change in the polar region is predicted becomes the largest and most rapid than another region on earth, as consequence will cause major ecological, physical, sociological and economic impact, particularly in the arctic region.

Warming in the arctic giving impact in physical climate such as; rising temperatures, until now over past half century the temperatures was increased 3-4°C on winter in Alaska; rising the river flow, this happen because the ice slowly melting; declining snow cover; increasing precipitation; thawing the permafrost that caused much erosion in arctic area and the most famous is rising sea level, the impact to be greater than in global average. In natural system, ecosystem structure and composition changes, after ice-covered land becomes melting it was open land space so that there are much vegetation grow, it is mean in some part agricultural and forestry will be increased due to a longer and warmer growing season and slowly it will cause an exchange in social life for indigenous people in arctic region.

In the summarize, it is clearly that global warming gives impact in natural, physical also a social aspect in the arctic region. Moreover, it will be a great challenge in economic aspect. Nowdays, we are more focused the changes that happen in the terrestrial ecosystem, it should become a way of thinking that it needs synergy research so that the strong approach can initiate in all area include arctic area. Mitigation effort and adaptation effort could be carried out simultaneously to minimize the impact and changes.